Spielwarenmesse Norimberga: autori e illustratori di giochi chiedono ai negozi online di indicare i loro nomi

Alla Spielwarenmesse di Norimberga di quest' anno, la SAZ e l' IO si sono presentati per la prima volta come partner della Spielwarenmesse nello SpieleCafé e hanno informato le loro organizzazioni e i loro interessi nell' industria dei giochi. L' attenzione si è concentrata sulla menzione spesso mancante degli autori nel commercio online:
We are the originators of games!
Game authors – the creators of the rules, the developers, the composers, the creative minds behind the games.
Illustrators – the creators of the design and of the images, they create individual characters and visualize the theme.
- Hello Amazon, myToys, Spiele Max, further online dealers and publishers:
Games also have authors and illustrators – so please name them!
- Hello German Bundestag:
Games are cultural property, just like books – therefore, 7% sales tax for games, and inclusion in the collection catalogue of the German National Library!
- Hello publishers:
Game authors and illustrators are your partners – without them, your fair booths would be pretty empty. Therefore, we demand appropriate remuneration and fair contracts from all publishers!
The Spiele-Autoren-Zunft e.V. (SAZ) represents the interests of game authors/designers: a strong international community with many benefits for its members. More information and contact to game authors here at the GamesCafé.
The Illustratoren Organisation e.V. (IO) is the professional association of German-speaking illustrators and represents their artistic, political and economic interests. More information and contact to illustrators here at the GamesCafé.